Reclaim Your AM

Battling burnout?

Reclaim Your A.M. for a mindful morning! 

Morning routines are the secret sauce for boss babes.

A self-confessed autobiography junkie and curious cat, I have scoured the morning routines of soo many successful women. I’ve spent hours on Pinterest, thinking that there must be something magical that I was missing in their daily planning that catapulted them to success and fame. I was missing the point: the enacting of a daily routine IS the power., because before you can do anything powerfully…

you gotta get your brain right, girl!

I know I’m not the only one who has been told many times about the power of a morning or evening routine. Although I read every article I came across about what made a “great” routine, I still struggled to commit to a regular practice of any kind.

Getting out of bed and going to the gym sounded amazing. The problem? It was NEVER going to motivate me. Reading that new apocalyptic thriller and drinking my favorite coffee? Hell yes.

Now I have a morning and evening routine that is simple, fun and flexible. When I use this routine, I feel like I’m the one in charge of my days–and that’s how you are going to feel at the end of this exercise, too!